Cybersecurity schools in France

Strong growth, multidisciplinarity, attractive salaries, cybersecurity is on the rise but still struggles to recruit, due to lack of resources and suitable training. Thus, since 2021, many schools “specialized” in cybersecurity have emerged in order to compensate for this lack.
What are the tips and tricks for finding your way among (all) these new dedicated schools? How can we manage to separate – here as elsewhere – the wheat from the chaff? What is the value of existing rankings? What are the key questions to ask yourself before choosing your training? We help you see things more clearly.
The 4 elements to check in order to validate the quality of a cybersecurity school
Titles, labels and accreditations in cybersecurity: a guarantee of seriousness and credibility
First of all, a school which issues a professional title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) validates the professionalizing aspect of the training offered and the fact that it allows one to develop the skills required for the exercise of a job.
Then, it seems obvious, but when a school claims to be a cybersecurity school, the certification issued by said school must still fall within the field of… cybersecurity; or at least from the IT field. So pay attention to the name of the certification offered by the establishment. If you cannot find it, ask for the RNCP code of the title issued by the school.
The framework of activities, skills and evaluation is in the public domain and is published on the France Compétences website here.
Finally, it is worth distinguishing between schools offering a cybersecurity course – which generally corresponds to a specialization where the hours dedicated to cybersecurity are limited – and cybersecurity schools offering a cybersecurity certification – which will generally be entirely dedicated to the subject.
There are labels that ensure the quality of educational content in cybersecurity.
This is the case of ANSSI – the National Agency for Information Systems Security – which issues the SecNumEdu label and validates the fact that the training offered is linked to the needs of cybersecurity and in line with its professional repository. The list of these training courses is available on the ANSSI website here.
You will also be able, depending on the location of the schools, to check the regional labels granted to schools which provide training that meets the needs of the local economy, promotes employability, is accessible to a wide audience or offers an innovative educational approach.
Personal professional certifications in cybersecurity: a key element of your employability
The cybersecurity sector has an advantage: the existence of personal professional certifications recognized on the job market, including internationally. These certifications complete your training and validate the knowledge acquired during your training. These certifications are often a career accelerator and you can highlight them in order to boost your employability, beyond your diploma in cybersecurity and the expertise that you will develop with experience.
To name a few: ISO27001 LI from PECB, CEH from EC-Council, Security+ from CompTIA, CISA from ISACA… or even the leading certification in the field: CISSP from ISC².
Preparing for and passing these certifications represents a significant investment and cost. Some schools include this preparation time in their curriculum and the cost of passage in their tuition fees.
Cybersecurity professionals: major players in your training
Are the administrative and teaching staff made up of cybersecurity professionals? What is the proportion of courses taught by professional speakers?
If the quality of training depends on its educational center, its expert speakers and links with the professional world, the philosophy and values embodied by the school are essential; they are reflected in particular in the training programs. A school that relies primarily on an administrative body coming from the cybersecurity field will have a good chance of offering a comprehensive program that meets the challenges of the sector. The fact that a cybersecurity school is run by professionals in the field with a vision of the market constitutes a solid guarantee of the credibility of the training offered.
Surrounding yourself with a myriad of big names and experts in cybersecurity is not enough, it is necessary to have a global vision to articulate the knowledge and skills required to be developed in a coherent educational program adapted to the expectations of the sector.
Companies and employment stakeholders: the first steps towards employability
The wealth of a school and the value of the diploma it delivers also rest on its graduates, its partners and the ecosystem within which it operates. You must pay attention to the relationships maintained by the school with the job market and companies in the sector, particularly those which recruit students during their studies – during internships and work-study programs – and after their studies.
Beyond companies, also take an interest in the missions and positions offered to students and graduates.
The links established between the school and the actors of employment policy, such as Pôle Emploi, Apec, Transitions Pro or local missions and professional unions in the cybersecurity sector, are another key element to take into account. consideration in your choice.
And the rankings in all this?
As the rise of “specialized” cybersecurity schools is quite recent, there is currently no authoritative objective ranking on the subject. We cannot judge the quality of a school by its online presence or by its number of subscribers on social networks.
The essential questions to ask yourself when choosing the right school are as follows:
- What are my chances of making a return on the personal and financial investment requested by my school?
- Is the management, administrative and teaching staff made up of cybersecurity professionals?
- Does the school have the necessary equipment to train in cybersecurity?
- Beyond the training program, what links does the school maintain with the cybersecurity ecosystem in order to facilitate my professional integration?
- Beyond these questions, visit campuses, talk to sector professionals at trade fairs, ask questions of students who are taking or have taken these training courses and above all trust your intuition! There is definitely a school made for you!
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